Read These 20 Rules For Your Twenties Before It's Too Late!



Read These 20 Rules For Your Twenties Before It's Too Late!

As you journey from youth to maturity, your 20s are a time of self-discovery. A decade of fresh experiences, challenges, and chances can shape your life.

Establish healthy habits, build great connections, and pursue your passions to maximise this decade.

"20 rules for your 20s" offers advice to assist you manage this exciting but sometimes overwhelming stage in your life.

These guidelines address personal money, mental health, and professional development. These rules are meant to help you enjoy your 20s. These rules can help you live a successful and joyful life.

Man in Debt

1. Cut Down On Debt

You probably rank this as one of your top priorities. Your debts are like a vice gripping your wrists, slowly squeezing out your lifeblood till you drop dead before you reach thirty, the prime of your existence. Debt-free living and substantial savings may be attained by limiting expenditures on items that quickly lose value, such as automobiles, clothing, and so on.


2. Switch Friends

The worst misstep you can make is failing to develop your network of friends as time goes on. We get it; your first impression of the term "switch" was not a positive one. In reality, no. If a friend who you've known from childhood starts doing drugs for fun and dropping out of life, you have to let them go even if you've known them for a decade. There isn't enough time to waste grabbing blades as they fall.

Helping Hand

3. The Art of Giving

Contrary to the second point, it is crucial that you acquire the skill of assisting others who want improvement. The most important factor is their want to change; if you try to persuade a guy to better himself when he has no interest in doing so, you will only end up alienating him. If you want more friends, stop hoarding knowledge and start sharing it.

College Student with Tough Life

4. College Needs To Be Challenging

The majority of people go to college to drink and attempt to sleep with a large number of girls or boys and vice-versa. These individuals often wind up jobless or earning Rs.2.16L a year at a soul-crushing job without the skill set to transition into another field. You'll be surprised at how hard it is to return when you've established no basis; their whole life is suddenly 100 times more difficult to mend. Lay the groundwork in your leisure time, so you can have fun in the future.


5. Acquire Internships

If you don't have any job experience, it won't matter that you went to a prestigious institution and maintained a perfect 4.0 GPA. You will be able to expand your network and add impressive experiences to your resume. You'll also broaden your social circle to include folks in their 30s who aren't already part of your circle of friends in your 20s.


6. Look For Mentors Who Are In Their 30s

By the time you're in your early twenties, you should have a small group of reliable older friends with whom you can discuss important matters. No person has to be an expert in every field, but additional knowledge is always welcome. You might know that most hiring choices are often made by people who are in their 30s.

Bad Coworkers

7. You'll Be Screwed by Coworkers

Sadly, this is the most typical blunder. Peers don't look out for one another in the workplace. If you go out drinking with your immediate coworkers and rumours start flying about, you can bet you will be the first to be put under the bus. They would be thrilled to see you fail since it will make an easy path for them by eliminating competition.

Reading Books

8. Keep a Routine

You're giving the school system too much power over your upbringing if you don't supplement classroom learning with independent reading. Reading itself is more valuable than any one subject. Reading has a long-term return, much like investing; maybe someday you'll have the opportunity to talk to an influential person about a niche issue, and if you've done your homework, you'll have something interesting to say. A solid foundation in life may be cultivated via reading on subjects outside of formal education, such as personal finance, psychology, and business.


9. Discover the Fundamentals of Style

Learning the fundamentals of style is an excellent place to begin. Discover which colours of clothing and accessories complement your complexion, eyes, and hair. Once you've nailed this, you can assemble a long-lasting wardrobe that complements your best qualities. Let's make others take notice of how confident you are.

Working Out Exercise

10. Work out five times a week

If you're not crazy busy working 100+ hours a week, you gotta hit the gym and lift weights five days a week. No way around it. Your health is way more important than chasing money. If you're a person with a fit body, a sharp brain, and some serious cash, then you're living the dream. There's nothing better than having the total freedom to do whatever you want, right?

Working Out Exercise

11. Don't Waste Time Procrastinating

You have too much spare time on your hands if you find yourself putting off work until later. In a perfect world, you would always be on the go and making progress in your life. You're too busy procrastinating? You should get some fresh air and exercise or get a book online if you find yourself looking at a screen for more than two hours straight. There is no lower limit than this.


12. Leave Out The Lazy

Many individuals you meet will tell you to chill down and enjoy the present. Stay well away from these guys. You should take risks here and there, but not only to make yourself feel good in the present. It's like investing; in twenty years, they'll be struggling while your life is on autopilot because of the solid groundwork you've laid.


13. Don't Rush Into Marriage

Don't get married in your 20s. If you're doing some basic things in your 20s, like studying, completing your dreams, or any other wish you've made, and you have the resources to do so. Figure it out. You may get married at any moment after the age of 20 if you're not one of those people who always wanted to be a successful businessman or an influential person. It's true that many people have become successful after getting married, but it all depends on what you do.

Additionally, it is possible that a married individual has a greater quantity of happiness and success in life. She never disrespects him and is constantly pushing him to do more. It's possible that he's simply an average worker or even a financially secure one. On the other hand, it's possible that he spends his time away from the office working on his company with his wife. He may be able to better control his impulses and become more focused on what is really important to him in his married life.

Girl Exploring The World

14. Explore The World

By the time you're in your mid-20s, you should have had the kind of foreign experience that completely destroys your existing worldview. Travelling abroad might help you see how much of your worldview is shaped. You just need one briefcase and can do everything by yourself. Even if you can't travel abroad now because of financial reasons, then at least travel within your own county to different cities. In a strange city, your body will be forced into survival mode, and as a result, your self-assurance will soar.

Confronting Fear

15. Confront Your Worst Fear

Your capacity to overcome your biggest fear is more important than whether you fear heights, snakes, or fighting. Get in the ring and endure kicks and punches if you're terrified of being beaten up in a street fight. Repetition is the only way to overcome a significant phobia.


16. Friend up Your Family

Some people may see your loved ones as a responsibility, while others may see them as an inspiration. The trick is to detach yourself emotionally from their viewpoints and make your own life choices regardless of what others think. You cannot depend on your loved ones to protect you forever. You are responsible for making up for lost income, relocating, or taking calculated risks. Take away the safety net you are currently on and see what happens.


17. Quit Complaining

No one cares if you don't get the high-paying job, if you don't win first place in your class, if you break your wrist and can't lift for a month. If you're in your 20s, you shouldn't care a bit about displaying your complaints. Complaining will not solve anything. It does nothing except add stress to your life. No one wants to hang out with a person who always seems stressed. Your social circle is dying if nobody wants to be your friend, and if your social circle is dying, well, you're dead.

Early Morning, Waking Up

18. Get Up Early

You should get up early in order to gain a jump on the competition unless you've landed a position in investment banking where you'll be earning loads and have a tension-free life. It doesn't matter if you read, work out at the gym, or create a website. Use your most productive hour to spend time with the most important person in the world since your intellect is at its sharpest in the morning. Think about yourself and the path you plan to take in the future.

Get Heard

19. Learn to Speak Up

Many guys will ruin their careers in a few short years because they were never given a chance to speak out. No one in your twenties will give a damn about your opinions, so it's best to keep to yourself and work on bettering yourself in the meanwhile. You should listen to advise rather than provide it. When others seek you out to share your expertise, you've made it. You've shown yourself worthy of being heard and hired for a specific job.

Sad, Amble Soul

20. Fail

The last element is both the clearest and the most underappreciated of the whole. In your twenties, while you still have time to pick yourself up, you should fail as much as possible. Instead of failing by not going to college or by choosing a degree that won't lead to a good job (which is financial suicide for most people), we advise failing by making an attempt to generate value. Get creative and make a smartphone app. Give learning to code a go. Make it a goal for the next year to learn a new language. Don't be afraid to try anything.


If you follow these guidelines, by the time you are 30, you will know, not just think, that you have done everything possible to improve your life. If somebody says you've worked too hard, dismiss them as chirping complainers who have to live with the knowledge that they might have done better. They didn't push and work on themselves; they could have further improved.

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